As we continue to battle the Covid Pandemic around the world, everyones experience has been unique. Daily we tend to look on our Facebooks, Instagrams, and etc. to find out what is happening around us. But, the information that we get can be very general and repetitive. After speaking with a few people from around the world, we wanted to use our platform to give people a voice! A voice that shares the reality of what they experience on a daily basis.
The beauty of these entries show the true diversity we have in the world! The first diaries will come from two California residents. Currently California has 41,000 confirmed cases and around 1,600 deaths due to Covid-19. Check out the diary entries below to see things from their prospective!
California Anonymous Entry #1
Location: Orange County, California
Quarantine Duration: Since March 18th, 2020. I haven’t been outside unless it was for an essential need.
What have you learned about yourself during this pandemic?
I have learned that I could possibly be an entertainer, I have found many ways to entertain myself while being in the house. I have also learned that I am an introvert. It’s not hard for me to stay in the house, or stay to myself. I could possibly be a chef, but that might just be because I’m a picky eater and miss restaurants. So I’ve explored different recipes and even baking from scratch.
Have you learned anything new?
Everyone says during this time you should pick up a new skill, I’ve been trying to learn how to edit videos on my own.
Have you noticed any extreme changes within yourself, your community or the world?
There have been extreme changes within my community.I am from the Los Angeles area and there are many vendors and business owners that are of “Chinese decent” and some will not sell to the community because of their race. Before this epidemic, customers wouldn’t be denied because of race but as of late; some businesses refuse. I have also seen my community support small businesses and Black owned businesses through this. Changes that I have seen in the world, is that some people will go against authorities and even risk their lives as well as their loved ones because they need to go outside. It’s sad to see that our nation can’t be on one accord and stay inside, but we are so quick to put the blame on someone if something were to negatively affect them. Changes within myself, I’ve noticed that I don’t need much to maintain myself. Some have just complained about little things such as not being able to her hair or nails done, but I can wait. I’ve become less reliant on cosmetic needs because I’ve been in the house. I’ve been getting better at communicating and creativity. My daily routine has been thrown off so I have become a little more organized and holding myself accountable making sure I don’t sleep my days away.
How have you stayed busy?
In the beginning I stayed busy entertaining myself on social media but when I didn’t want to go to "Club Quarantine" anymore and social media became too toxic (filled with complaints, deaths and debt) I had to log off. I’ve been filming my own workout videos, reading, trying to learn how to play spades so I can be someone’s partner at the first day out at the cookout. I’ve recently joined an online bible study group to make sure I don’t stray way from God during this epidemic. Just because churches are closed doesn’t mean that God or the Word is unavailable.
How have your relationships with friends and family been effected during this quarantine period or pandemic?
My friends and I have come up with “Happy Hour” Parties to keep in touch with each other. Specifically for our friends that are still in school at Zoom University, it’s a little break they can take. We also thought about starting a book club so we can have something to do, read on our own time come back and discuss it together. It gives us something to talk about other than the epidemic. Social media has played quite a role during this time. I come from a close knit family, we literally do everything together. Thankfully the majority of my family is active on social media. We’ve been able to celebrate birthdays, college acceptances, baby showers etc. through social media. We have even grieved together on social media together as we lost a member of our family due to Covid19. We are also able to keep up with family members that are essential workers and have to risk their lives for others.
Any advice for those who can provide to those who are struggling during this time?
For anyone struggling through this time, having a good daily routine,someone to talk/vent to during this time, finding a new hobby. Focus on something positive.
California Anonymous #2
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Quarantine Duration: March 9th (Potential End Date/Unconfirmed)
What have you learned about yourself during this pandemic?
Confirmation that I can thrive without being social and actually tend to prefer it. I also learned that I need routines/schedules in order to be productive, I’ve learned to enjoy myself without cosmetic enhancements (brow waxing, nails, makeup, etc).
Have you learned anything new?
Sending a quick note letting someone know you thought about them matters!
Have you noticed any extreme changes within yourself, your community or the world?
Given that everything is shut down, LA is quiet in its entirety. Freeways are empty, air feels cleaner and animals are present. The city feels surreal at times.
How have you stayed busy?
I’m still working full time from home so that definitely helps me stay busy. In addition, I’ve added running to my daily routine and I spend tons of time with my family.
How has social media affected you?
My social media usage has remained relatively unchanged from pre-quarantine. The largest difference is I mainly share content when I’m out, so there’s less sharing and more watching.
How have your relationships with friends and family been effected during this quarantine period or pandemic?
Relationship with friends and family have been both challenged and strengthened. With friends, conversations have become deeper and more meaningful. Phone conversations mean more, conference calls have become the only human interaction for some and it means something. The challenging part is family as excessive time spent often raises tension.
Any advice for those who can provide to those who are struggling during this time?
STAY SAFE !!!!!!!